Application and Admission

Students can apply to the XLR8 STEM Academy in the spring of their sophomore year.  Interested students can download an application, teacher recommendation form, and counselor form from this website or obtain them from their school counseling office.

Applications are reviewed by the XLR8 STEM Academy selection committee, which includes a representative from each school division as well as representatives from local business and industry.  The selection committee will meet to determine which students will be offered acceptance for the following year. Selection is based upon the quality of application content, attendance, discipline, academic achievement, as well as teacher and counselor recommendations.

XLR8 STEM Academy Brochure

STEM Academy Brochure

Information Session for Prospective Students & Parents

Scheduled for February 6, 2025

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm


The application window for the 2025-2026 school year opens December 13, 2025.


  1. Discuss the opportunity with your parent/guardian and school counselor
  2. Attend the Information Session with your parent/guardian
  3. Apply to Central Virginia Community College and get your CVCC ID number. For your convenience, a link to the CVCC Application is available HERE
  4. Fill out the STEM Academy application form and submit it to the STEM Academy online.  For your convenience, a link to the student application is available HERE.
  5. Ask your school counselor to complete the School Counselor Form.  For your convenience, a link to the counselor form is available HERE
  6. Ask three of your teachers (1 math teacher, 1 science teacher, and 1 other teacher to write recommendations for you using the form provided.  For your convenience, a link to the teacher recommendation form is available HERE.  
  7. You may take the CVCC Placement test in MATH and ENGLISH and include the results in your application packet.  Your school counselor or CVCC Career Coach will have information about specific dates and times.  Please note you MUST apply to CVCC before taking the test.  
  8. You may also use your High School Transcript for consideration for enrollment and placement into classes at CVCC. 
  9. Make sure the application, counselor form, and three recommendation forms are completed by the application deadline of March 1, 2025.

Please Note:

  • All applications must be completed online.
  • Incomplete applications will be returned to the student’s counselor to review &  resubmit in order to be reviewed by the Application Selection Team.
  • Applications should be submitted as soon as they are completed.
  • A waiting list is maintained for oversubscribed courses.


Admission Time Schedule

  • March 1 – All applications due to the STEM Academy.
  • March 29  All notifications sent to student emails provided. If offered admission students will have until April 5  @ 11:59 pm to accept or decline their invitation. If open seats remain, we will go down our waitlist until all seats are filled.