It is an incredibly exciting time at the Lynchburg Regional Governor’s STEM Academy! The future is bright for this dynamic educational community, and we enjoy the opportunity to celebrate all that the STEM Academy has achieved and to invest in the continuing excellence of this important regional program.
Future Focus Foundation
The Future Focus Foundation serves as a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation that receives contributions from individuals, organizations, businesses, and institutions for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the educational program provided for students by the Lynchburg Regional Governor’s STEM Academy.
The faculty and staff of the Lynchburg Regional Governor’s STEM Academy are grateful to the families and community partners who donate to the Foundation. Foundation funds support student projects, student field trips to visit local companies, access to advanced technologies, and other instructional activities.
If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to Future Focus Foundation Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, please go to the donate page You will find all the information you need on that page, and thank you in advance for your support of the Lynchburg Regional Governor’s STEM Academy.
Additional information about the Future Focus Foundation, including links to annual reports and important documents, can be found on our website on the Future Focus Foundation Page
If you have any questions about any of this information, please contact us at or at (434) 832-7731