What Makes Us Unique
Hands-on Learning
XLR8 STEM Academy offers an opportunity for students who like hands-on work, are technically gifted, have an interest and aptitude in applied science and mathematics & a strong work ethic. Students learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills by solving real-world problems using hands-on learning in a team setting.
Ability to Specialize in STEM Career Area
STEM Academy courses have a career and technical education focus on the curriculum driven by the needs and projected growth of the regional industry. All specialty areas offer pathways to post-secondary education and high-wage, skilled, in-demand careers
Multiple options for Success
Students will be able to take the skills and certifications learned at the XLR8 STEM Academy and chose to enter the job market after graduation or continue their education towards an Associate’s Degree and/or Bachelor’s Degree. The XLR8 STEM Academy offers multiple pathways to a successful future for students.
- The STEM Academy is housed on the campus of Central VA Community College (CVCC)
- All STEM Academy students are Dual enrolled students at Central VA Community College
- Students can earn up to 44 college credits for their classes
- Students can earn up to two Career Studies Certificates from Central VA Community College.
- STEM Academy classes are weighted courses for Grade Point Average calculations on base school transcripts
- Parents/Guardians or student must provide transportation to internship locations in the spring of the senior year
- STEM Academy operates during the morning hours from 8:00 am- 11:00 am
- STEM Academy is a partnership between CVCC, all five public school divisions, higher education, and local business and industry leaders.